With burgeoning pressures to better manage clinical information through information technology, this project sought to investigate the role of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) in physical therapist practice. This work identifies, reviews, and summarizes the benefits, barriers, and key factors for success in implementing EHRs in physical therapist practice.


Vreeman DJ, Richoz C. Possibilities and Implications of Using the ICF and Other Vocabulary Standards in Electronic Health Records. Physiother Res Int. 2013 Jul 30;
Wilkinson SG, Chevan J, Vreeman DJ. Establishing the Centrality of Health Informatics in Physical Therapist Education: If Not Now, When? Journal of Physical Therapy Education. 2010;24(3):10–5. Download
Vreeman DJ. Clinical prediction rules. Phys Ther. 2006 May;86(5):761–2.
Vreeman DJ, Taggard SL, Rhine MD, Worrell TW. Evidence for electronic health record systems in physical therapy. Phys Ther. 2006 Mar;86(3):434–46; discussion 446-449.