
I love speaking about improving healthcare with information technology, and am a frequently invited speaker, moderator, and panelist at events around the world.
In fact, I’ve delivered more than 300 invited talks on medical informatics topics such as open healthcare data standards like LOINC and FHIR, large-scale data aggregation, cross-boundary health information exchange, modern electronic health records, and driving innovation with technologies like artificial intelligence supercharged with high quality, interoperable health data.
If you would like to invite me to make a presentation to your group, please contact me.

What Others Are Saying
Your presentation and our conversations were immensely interesting. I have heard nothing but wonderful things about you; people are so appreciative of your perspective.
Such an enthusiast, bright, and energetic young man who is clearly a rising star in the field of medical informatics.
The physical therapist students and faculty were really excited by your presentation. You met all of my goals…thank you for doing such an outstanding job.
What a great presentation! I know that all in attendance walked away with a renewed excitement over the integration of technology into healthcare.